I have started using
AutoIT v3 to write automated installers and other scripted windows programming lately. When I send out an update to a client computer, sometimes I want to be able to notify the user and let them delay the update for a set amount of time. Using the TimerInit() & TimerDiff() functions I am able to pop up a message and begin a timer.
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
;milliseconds for timer, start the timer and label text
$ms = 3601000
$timer = TimerInit()
$labeltext = "The IT department needs to install the latest approved updates..."
;gui window with text, Install Now button and timer window
GUICreate("Software Update", 350, 330, -1, -1, $WS_DLGFRAME, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)
$Install = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Install Now", 100, 250, 150, 50)
$Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($labeltext, 10, 10, 330, 200)
$Input = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 140, 225, 75, 20, BitOr($SS_CENTER, $ES_READONLY))
GUISetState (@SW_SHOW)
;wait for timer to expire or for Install Now button to be clicked
;each time around the loop, it will update the timer displayed on the screen
While (TimerDiff($timer) < $ms) and (GUIGetMsg() <> $Install)
$seconds = TimerDiff($timer)/1000
$diff = $seconds - ($ms/1000)
$minutes = Int($diff / 60)
$secondsRem = $diff - ($minutes * 60)
$minutes = $minutes * -1
$secondsRem = $secondsRem * -1
$time = StringFormat("%02d", $minutes) & ":" & StringFormat("%02d", $secondsRem)
GUICtrlSetData($Input, $time)
Seems to be a couple of include statements missing:
Not sure if anything else is missing, but those were needed to run the script without errors.
Anyway, handy script. Thanks.
Thanks Sanjoval. Looks to be required in newer versions. Thanks for posting!
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