Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Excel 2010 Insert PDF "Cannot start the source application for this object"

While attempting to insert a PDF file into an Excel file while using Excel 2010 (Insert tab, Object, Adobe Acrobat Document), one of my users was receiving the error: "Cannot start the source application for this object". In my scenario, we are running Office 2010 Standard & Adobe Reader X. From reports I have read, the same thing may happen with Excel 2007. Here is how to fix:

- Close Excel
- Open Adobe Reader X
- From the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences"
- Select "General" on left
- Uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at Startup"

You should now be able to insert PDF documents properly!

Thanks Kublai99!

What is Protected Mode?

Protected Mode is a new security feature for Adobe Reader X that protects users' applications and data by limiting what malicious files can do and access. Protected Mode is enabled by default and Adobe recommends that you leave it on for security reasons.

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