Monday, December 22, 2008

Scalix - Forwarding

When we started using Scalix as our email server, one of the things that frustrated me was forwarding of emails. When an employee leaves, we want to keep their mailbox intact and grant access to their manager. For new emails, we want them forwarded to either their manager or another employee in their department. If you setup the forwarding via the Out of Office Interface or Rules will forward the emails, but the emails we be added as an attachment. This adds an extra step for the person received the emails, since they need to open the email and then the attachment. To get around this, you can use the sxaa command line utility.

sxaa --user "User Name" --redirect ""

You can also use the "--retain" option to keep a copy of the message in the Inbox (we don't use this)

sxaa --user "User Name" --redirect "" --retain

More details about sxaa can be found by typing "man sxaa" from the command line or here.

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