Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Menus Missing After Installing SPSS 23 x64

There is a bug in SPSS 23 64-bit's originally released installer, if you install using a command like...

MSIEXEC.EXE /i "\SPSS64\IBM SPSS Statistics 23.msi" /qb COMPANYNAME="xxx" /norestart

...and don't include an "AUTHCODE" parameter.

You will be allowed to install SPSS and license using the License Authorization Wizard, but when you start SPSS you will only see the "File", "View" & "Custom" menus.

To fix:
  • Edit C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\23\spssprod.inf
  • Edit the line with "DaemonHost=" to be "DaemonHost=no-net"
  • Restart SPSS and things will work normally.


Unknown said...

I'm runing into this problem, but I am specifying the authcode :(.

Cliff said...

This worked for me! Thank you!!

Causal Connection said...

Worked for me, after googling and trail-and-error for 2 hours this was a relative easy fix. Thanks a lot! Still a stupid bug though...

Unknown said...

THANK YOU! I too just spent an hour trying to trouble shoot this issue - and YES! Stupid bug indeed...

Unknown said...
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rachel said...

any way to solve this problem for a mac?